Wang Yibo watched a movie in Wuzhen, sparking a craze among netizens for...
Wang Yibo's arrival has made the Wuzhen Theater Festival bustling these days. The crowds were swarming and everyone wanted to catch a glimpse of him. Chance encounters became a craze, and various small essays sharing encounters with him instantly lit up the entire internet.
Many people go just to see Wang Yibo, the feeling of meeting a real person by chance, and incidentally to see the Wuzhen theater, this Wuzhen Theater Festival is crowded, stars piled up, but the order is orderly and orderly, did not cause a big commotion.
Wang Yibo this time to follow Cheng ear director to come here to see the play, last year is the first time, this time Wang Yibo once again to come here, I heard all day and night did not stop, one after another, a lot of people are happy, did not expect to meet Wang Yibo with their own same play.
Online frequently released a lot of people share, watching the play at the same time can see Wang Yibo, real people seem to be thinner than in the camera, people are also low-key, wearing a very plain, the whole veiled, accompanied by staff around him, he is basically very quiet.
But there are a lot of details, let us look at all laugh and cry, that is, Wang Yibo early in the morning out to see the play, it seems that the whole person is sleepy, sitting next to Cheng ear, through the mask, huffing and puffing, wearing a hat, not moving, is estimated to be asleep, but when watching the play, will take down the hat, sitting in the back row, people are very quiet.
Will also unconsciously run their hair, may be bleached and dyed platinum hair, dyed back to black is not accustomed to, their own in the corner and keep jerking, a lot of people see this picture, will say, good real, a little idol baggage is not, so many people are filming, they don't care, pulling their hair and jerking it for so long, but also disregard the image of the blowing up of the hair, it's very quiet, this time, Wang Yibo actually did not nibble on the hand, has been counted as quite a lot of peace and quiet.
There are also people who say, Wang Yibo is very fragrant, sprayed perfume of him, walked past, very good smell, sounds a little incredible, right, his hair are fried hair, so do not care about the appearance, actually sprayed a light perfume, or quite have their own style.
Most of the people who shared their chance encounter with Wang Yibo said that he was quite serious about watching the theater, didn't talk to each other or stilt his legs, and sat very upright.
Wuzhen Theater Festival so many stars went, it is really lively, but until Wang Yibo appeared, reached a small climax, a lot of people are all kinds of eagerly waiting, hoping to see the real person, I heard that a trip to the bathroom, will instantly flock to a lot of people, does not it sound very funny.
Get up early Wang Yibo, the whole day is non-stop special theater, this look down must also be very tired, Wuzhen Theatre Festival on the day of the play there are eighteen, Wang Yibo involved in watching a lot of people with the scene said, Wang Yibo coffee pouring, just to refresh yourself.
Follow Cheng Ear director, feel the charm of the drama more performance, in Wang Yibo this position, can be quiet, learning to perform, it is rare, Cheng Ear for this young actor's help is great, more is a carry and recognition, more importantly, Wang Yibo can stop, follow him to learn and enhance their own.
Know how to take and give, know what you need, such Wang Yibo can not attract people to like? I'm a little fat demon, touting Wang Yibo never false, down-to-earth and simple Bo Bo Bo, can't boast enough, simply can't boast enough.
# Wang Yibo #
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