"Ximilu CP" relaunches a new drama, Yang Zi joins strongly, and the firs...

In the fall of 2020, a youth idol inspirational drama "Half Honey Half Wound", adapted from the novel of the same name by Chess, directed by Yu Zhongzhong and Wu Jianxin and starring Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu in the lead roles, went online. The drama has won countless viewers once it was aired, thanks to the popularity of the main actors and the wonderful plot design. "The first double female drama is coming. Because this "half is honey half is wounded" hit, as the main actor Luo Yunxi and white deer again ushered in a big fire, and then it was a "Ximilu" CP name. Although the gap of more than two years, but fans are still immersed in it. The two actors, Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu, must be known to the majority of the audience, after all, as the leader of the new generation of actors, whether the face, acting skills, popularity are online. Bai Lu in 2019 because of a cooperation with Xu Kai "shake" fire, and then successively with Luo Yunxi, Lai Yi, Ren Jialun, Jin Chen, Xiao War, Huang Jingyu, Zhang Ruoyun and many other popular male stars cooperation, to the audience brought a lot of classic works and roles. And Luo Yunxi is also the same, after 2018 with Yang Zi starring in "fragrant honey sinking ashes as frost" then completely out of the circle, followed by "white hair", "heavy fire on the moon", "heartbeat source plan", "good words to write" and a host of other big dramas came one after another. In this year, Luo Yunxi has already had one collaboration with Bai Lu, that is, the one starring the two of them, "Long Moon Ashes Ming". The drama is adapted from the novel "Black Moonlight Hold Steady BE Script" by Vine for Branch, which has completed post-production and will be online soon. I didn't expect that the "Long Moon Ashes Ming" hadn't even hit the airwaves yet, but Luo Yunxi and Bai Lu, who are the main actors, broke the news of their third collaboration. This is the first time I've ever seen a woman in the world who's been a part of a family. A few days ago, news broke that "Stargazer" as a double female drama has been announced and launched, and as one of the female lead and male lead candidates, is Bai Lu and Luo Yunxi. In addition, the drama also trendy burst another female lead candidate, she is a child star debut, has had a cooperation with Luo Yunxi Yang Zi. For Yang Zi the actor, we are familiar with it, many after 90, 00 are watching her work growing up. Yang Zi stepped into the acting circle in 2002, but the early because of the problem of school, has not been fully devoted to it, after all, was still a child. After she became an adult, Yang Zi gradually devoted herself to film and television work, and has brought many classic dramas and roles to the audience. For example, Qiu Yingying in "Ode to Joy", Jin For in "Fragrant Honey Sinking Ashes as Frost", Tong Nian in "Dear, Love", Lin Zhi School in "The Rest of Your Life, Please Teach Me More" and so on. Today's Yang Zi, has been counted as the leader of the new generation of actors after 90, whether it is face value, acting skills or wind comment, anti-drama, are one of the best. She joined this "Stargazing Sea" with Bai Lu to play the double heroine, it can be said that it is more than appropriate. At present, the start of this new drama has been preliminary publicity, as the main actors Luo Yunxi, Bai Lu, Yang Zi has also had a burst of information, I believe that soon there will be more accurate, specific news appeared, we like, may continue to pay attention to.
