The eighth anniversary of Wang Yibo's debut, constantly fighting monster...
September 15, the popular idol Wang Yibo has debuted a full eight years. 2014.9.15-2022.9.15. These eight years of precipitation and accumulation, the once ignorant teenager has grown and transformed into an all-round entertainer, singer, actor, dancer, racing driver ...... almost every field can see his The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services. The first time I saw him, he was a member of the UNIQ group in South Korea in 2014, and he won the "Cool Music Asia Awards" in the same year, which was also the opening of his debut career. However, some immoral and bottomless foreign fans have developed an inexplicable hatred for Yibo, throwing paint, private rice and other bad incidents that violate his freedom of life and personal safety occur frequently. In early 2016, Wang Yibo chose to return to mainland China for development. In April, he officially became a member of the variety show "Tian Tian Tian Brothers", shy and shy, although he rarely speaks, but every time he sings and dances the aura on him always makes everyone feel dazzling, and everyone is particularly interested in this new generation of artists. 2019, this year can be described as a turning point for Wang Yibo to enter the film and television industry. He and Xiao Zhan starred in the costume drama "The Order of Chen", which was loved and praised by many fans upon its release, and his acting skills were also recognized by more people in this drama, which also laid the foundation for him to win the "30th China TV Golden Eagle Award for Audience Favorite Actor" afterwards. In the motorcycle championship, he led his team to win the championship for two seasons in a row in "This is Street Dance", and he will spare no effort to do his best in all the fields that Wang Yibo is involved in. Recently, the criminal investigation drama "Ice Rain Fire", led by Chen Xiao and Wang Yibo, was released. Wang Yibo's excellent performance in the drama is also praised by Chen Xiao, who is a veteran actor, and said bluntly in a media interview, "I think he is very talented". The movie "King of the Long Sky", which Wang Yibo shot, will also be released in October. It is reported that, in order to meet the needs of different camera positions, Wang Yibo rotated dozens of times, and after the shooting was over, he endured dizziness and immediately went into the next shooting after a short rest. Such hard work, I believe the effect of the film will be very stunning. The most important thing is that you can get a good idea of what you're doing. The rumor mongers were sued to clear Wang Yibo's name. Now, on the eighth anniversary of his debut, he has heard too much praise and encouragement. I hope that after this milestone, Wang Yibo will not forget his original intention and continue to shine in the field he loves.
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