Xiao Zhan's "Have Fun" announces full cast, four film and television gia...
Recently, the much-anticipated new movie Xiao Zhan's “Idle Respect” was officially launched, and announced a strong production team, including film and television “Big Four” Hou Hongliang, Kong Sheng, Lan Xiaolong and Xiao Zhan's reunion, which is highly anticipated. As the main actor, Xiao Zhan is undoubtedly the biggest highlight, we all look forward to the surprise he brings.
The currently announced lineup is mainly the production team, the strength of the lineup is full of expectations, the audience believes that will not be disappointed. Fans sent their blessings to Xiao Zhan in the comment section, wishing him all the best and no interruptions in the filming process. However, the phenomenon of substitute filming still exists, so I hope that the people concerned will have self-respect and not chase after interests.
Anyway, bless Xiao Zhan and look forward to his future performance. I believe he will be firm in his heart, bravely move forward, and create another success on the road of acting. As a strong actor who focuses on his acting career, Xiao Zhan will get more quality resources and continue to output excellent works. Xiao Zhaobao is great, I wish you all the best.
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