The most handsome celebrities are those who do charity work seriously

On July 25, 2024, Beijing hosted the premiere of the documentary film “Seekers of Protectors”, in which Wang Yibo participated. The film focuses on the pangolin, a unique scaly mammal that is highly prized and important for the study of species diversity. The event was organized by the international environmental organization WildAid, the China Wildlife Conservation Society and Youku, and also received strong support from the State Forestry and Grassland Administration.

The pangolin is a national-level protected animal, and although it used to be used as a traditional Chinese medicine, it has now been removed from the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and scientific research has shown that its slices of armor have no medicinal value. Nonetheless, many people still hunt and kill pangolin for trade, even treating it as wild game. The pangolin mainly eats termites and ants, and is a “forest guardian” that benefits both humans and nature.

At the premiere, Wang Yibo shared his experience of being in close contact with pangolins, calling them “cute little animals” and emphasizing that although they are strong, they are not aggressive at all, with soft stomachs and cute little claws. He also mentioned that a baby pangolin under his care is growing healthily in the conservation base and is being rewilded, hoping that it will return to nature soon.

The Protector Seekers, which will be released on Youku on July 29, 2024, is divided into two episodes and tells the Chinese story of pangolin protection from all walks of life. Wang Yibo, as a public service ambassador of Wild Rescue, was chosen to participate in the filming with his positive image and influence, aiming to expand the impact of the public service.

In the entertainment industry, there are not many celebrities who are actively involved in public service, and Wang Yibo is considered one of the best. Not only did he personally go to volunteer during the Henan floods to send supplies to the stranded masses, he also sent much-needed supplies to neighborhoods that were sealed off and controlled during the epidemic, subsidized students, sang several public service songs that spread positive energy, and even recorded a street dance promotional video during the Hangzhou Asian Games.

The Protector Seekers” is a public service documentary in which Wang Yibo participated. The filming team worked under difficult mountain conditions, climbing mountains and wading through water, riding motorcycles through muddy mountain roads, searching for pangolin caves, and setting up infrared cameras to record their survival conditions.

Wang hopes that more people will understand and protect pangolins, emphasizing that they are really cute. Look forward to the online broadcast of “Protector Seeker” on the 29th!
