Yang Zi's new drama "The Story of Cheng Huan" focuses on the transformat...

The first big female lead workplace drama starring Yang Zi, which was a hit before it was aired, "A Memoir of Pleasure" has sparked widespread discussion on social media platforms. The reason why this drama has received so much attention is because it focuses on the growth of urban women, transforming in the midst of intimacy and self-struggle.

The subject matter of "A Memoir of Pleasure" focuses on today's social phenomenon. Many people are facing the dilemma of forced marriages and unfulfilled careers, so how do they face their strong mothers, do they pursue their own passions, or do they compromise and listen to their family's opinions? How to save yourself from confusion, find your own love, and balance career and family relationships? There are so many questions that plague young people and parents nowadays. Maybe through this drama, we can have some gains and insights.

Yang Zi's role is also a new one, as she needs to portray the growth and transformation of a contemporary ordinary girl from a "happy child" to an "independent city woman". In recent years, almost all of Yang Zi's works have been effective dramas with good reputation. This makes viewers look forward to seeing how she understands the ordinary girl and how she interprets the transformation before and after.

As for the other main character of this drama, Xu Kai, he is more like a third point of view, leading the audience. Through working with Yang Zi in the workplace, he understands and witnesses how an ordinary girl accomplishes her transformation. Xu Kai plays the male lead who, after integrating into the cozy family atmosphere of the Mai family, is also sensing a life of his own and searching for his inner self.

The supporting cast of this drama is also very interesting. Veteran actress Wu Yanshu, who has been in the theater for decades, starred in the movie "Mom!" two years ago. Two years ago, she starred in the movie "Mom!", which earned many tears from the audience and successfully won the "Tiantan Award" for best actress. This time, she plays Yang Zi's grandmother, and if she hadn't seen Yang Zi's acting skills, she would have to break a sweat for her.

He Saifei plays Yang Zi's mother. She has a very high achievement as an actress and has won numerous actress awards. This time she plays Yang Zi's mother, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she interprets the strength of a mother and her selfless love for her daughter. Her rivalry with Yang Zi should be very tense and exciting. The young actors, like Niu Junfeng and Xu Lingyue, are also acting talents who have acted in many dramas and are well known to the audience.

The Tale of Acceptance is full of attractions and I hope it will be finalized soon so we can start the drama chasing mode together.
