Wang Yibo's "King of the Sky" stood out from the crowd when it premiered...
Worthy of Wang Yibo, "King of the Long Sky" premiered on CCTV's Six Princesses and stood out among the many evenings, with ratings breaking 2 and gaining favor with the audience.
Isn't it worth applauding a bit, this is one of Wang Yibo's three films with different significance, which is about a special occupation in the aviation field, the group of test pilots, and has a certain value of popular science education.
In fact, soon after the release of this work has gained a lot of aviation fans favor, but also offline widely publicized, the purpose is to enhance our understanding of the development of the national aviation field and popularization of science, to enhance the national self-confidence.
Rather than a movie, it is a work of popular science education, especially among young people, widely acclaimed.
It is because of the public release of this work, let a lot of people know and like Wang Yibo, obviously become a lot of people in the heart of the aviation test pilot of a first impression, enhance the national degree.
Alas, more unexpectedly this debut of the six princesses, but also in the first day of the New Year premiere, unexpected will stand out from the many parties, take the super high ratings.
It can be seen that many people are running to Wang Yibo, as the main star of this drama, Wang Yibo played Lei Yu, in the flight mission, time and time again, growth, showing courage and resourcefulness, responsibility and shoulder burden, all let us admire after watching.
Wang Yibo's popularity is self-evident, more and more nationalized idol development, shoot the works more in line with the positive output, to be able to participate in the shooting of such works, are a certain back tone, but also to Wang Yibo's recognition and affirmation.
Many people say, the ubiquitous Wang Yibo, apparently has been red to let more people have recognized the rhythm, no matter men and women, young and old, are very fond of him, works of excellence, business ability out of the circle, in the entertainment circle, unique.
This time, the ratings of the "long sky" exceeded 2, directly second to many parties, this thanks to Wang Yibo's powder circle publicity efforts, the motorcycle army has always been to support him with practical action.
This sentence is not wrong, the cool cover of the green sea support will never be absent, the popularity of the explosion, support will not be less people, not to mention the ratings.
Throughout the release of Wang Yibo's works, there is no shortage of sponsorship, not to mention the ratings, the major TV stations are trying to find a way to get involved with Wang Yibo, the splash of riches can be caught, it depends on when there is a Wang Yibo's release.
This is the power of Wang Yibo's big IP, belonging to his flow era, this Spring Festival Gala even if Wang Yibo does not appear, but his works, endorsements are overwhelming.
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