Wang Yibo overturned during the filming of the new film, fans voiced sup...

In recent years, Wang Yibo has become a hot new star with his superb acting skills that have attracted widespread attention in the costume drama 'The Order of Chen'. However, he was recently involved in an accident while filming his new production 'King of the Long Sky', causing his vehicle to fall on its side and roll several times, and was attacked by yellow sand in the face. However, fortunately Wang Yibo was not seriously injured and afterwards he immediately adjusted his condition and asked the director to do another one, showing a strong professional attitude.

However, apart from this rollover incident, Wang Yibo has also suffered from some negative public opinion recently. Some netizens accused him of knocking up someone else and said that his attitude towards the incident was unsatisfactory and even threatened the people involved. In response, Wang Yibo's agency immediately issued a denial, stating that such allegations were fabricated and had seriously affected Wang Yibo's image and reputation.

Against this backdrop, many fans have spoken out in support of Wang Yibo focusing on his acting career rather than focusing too much on scandals and inconsequential matters. They believe that as an outstanding actor, Wang Yibo should focus more on his performance and artistic achievements instead of being distracted by frivolous rumours.

For Wang Yibo's fans, this flap is worrying, but it also strengthens their determination to support him. They hope the actor will continue to show his talent and charm in his future works and become an even more successful artiste. At the same time, they also urge more viewers to pay attention to Wang Yibo's performance and artistic achievements, and support him in his continuous journey on the road of acting.
