Suddenly! The movie "The King of the Sky" starring Wang Yibo, Hu Jun and...
The movie "King of the Long Sky" released a rescheduled release notice
directed by Liu Xiaoshi, produced by Han Han, starring Wang Yibo, Hu Jun
and Yu Shi, and starring Zhou Dongyu in a special role, the movie "King
of the Long Sky" was originally scheduled to be released on September
30. From the official microblogging, we can see that all the promotional
materials released up to now are designed according to September 30,
and all the cross-industry cooperation, online and offline activities,
are also advanced according to the original release date. But after just
a dozen hours, the official microblogging site released a rescheduled
release date. This is a very sudden situation for those who are ready to
watch the movie. The advance ticket sales of "The King of the Long Sky"
is outstanding in the original release time of September 30, there are
still four days, the movie "The King of the Long Sky" advance ticket
sales have exceeded 30 million, and the original scheduled National Day,
seven days long holiday, the estimated box office will be very good. I
don't know if adjusting the schedule will have an impact on the box
office figures. The movie is about the story of pilots, led by Wang
Yibo, Hu Jun, Yu Shi, Zhou Dongyu special starring movie "King of the
Long Sky" is about the story of China's outstanding pilots, a new
generation of test pilots in China involved in the test flight of the
latest and most sophisticated fighter aircraft, in the process of
constantly accepting the challenge of the story. With this subject
matter, not only can we see the efforts of countless researchers and the
growth of pilots, but we will also feel the happiness and peaceful life
we are living now, which is the result of the efforts of many people.
If we follow the original schedule, it should also be heartwarming to
watch the movie on this subject at the moment of National Day. The main
actors of the movie are Wang Yibo, Hu Jun, Yu Shi, Zhou Dongyu, this
lineup is also very much anticipated! Wang Yibo played the role of
excellent pilot Lei Yu, under the leadership of Hu Jun as the captain
Zhang Ting, and other test pilots to participate in the test flight
work, very much looking forward to a fight and the veteran actor
"drama"! And the petite Zhou Dongyu, and will be in this looks very
"men's play" in the film what role, is also looking forward to. In
short, although the film release time adjustment, now do not know the
latest schedule is what time, but the official microblogging also said,
is to present a better production effect. So let's keep the anticipation
and wait together!
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